Thursday, November 19, 2009

My breaktime

I thought that today was a very long day... =.=

After I had 2 hours for tutorial, I also had a break for 2 hours. I ate my lunch and then, checked out my facebook in the library.
What I've got in the library? YUP! it's a comic. My favourite books ever because it is not only contains of words. It also contains picture. that's why, I was so interested when I was reading a comic. And, I haven't read any comic since I came here. So I think those comics (I borrowed 2 comics) could entertain me while I was at home.
And when I was in Indonesia, I have to read "CRAYON SHINCHAN" first before I went to sleep.

Then, I came to the class at 13.30 and did some exercises. The questions confused me. I did not understand what the question asked me what to do >,<>

After that, the teacher gave us a break time again. YIPPPEE!!!! I loved break time (who doesn't?) I went to the cafeteria with some friends. They are Jess, Ine, Vanessa alias Icha, Huan and Nui.

My friends were so nice. especially JESS. She was the one who was very attractive. She always said that I was the one who talkative. But, today was different. I thought I didn't talk a lot today. She did! well.....a short brief about us, I thought that she was older than me when I met her for the first time. I was totally WRONG. She was same age with me and she also younger than me. I was 19 last month and she was 19 last week. haha=] but if u saw me and her, you would think that she was older than me. I'm not lying. It's true. It's because of her style. She was very fashionable. More fashionable than me. One thing that I really like about her was her artwork. she drew Avril Lavigne and it look similar to Avril. I wished Avril could see that. I'll post it once I got Jess's permission. =] She did that because Jess really like her.

And what Jess and I did while break time, is this :

These were me and JESS who I have talked about it before :)
we did silly things while break time
See the picture on the right? She did it in purpose ! haha=]

and this one was I have mentioned before. They are my friends =]
left to right : Huan, Me, Jess, Ine, Nui and Vanessa

take care, guys =]

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Being Nineteen on October Nineteen

After a few days I had a 'holiday' from blogger because I had no idea what I wanted to tell. Then, I found something that I wanted talk about. Actually, today's stories was not happened today on 5th November 2009. It has been quite a long time ago. but I really want to post it.

It's about my birthday on October 19th, 2009. This was my first birthday in overseas. No parents, no siblings (except brother iYo ^^) and also there weren't my best friends either. I felt so sad :(

If I flash-backed to year 2008. It also happened that I celebrated my birthday only with my best friends (only Melvina, Shella, and Ignathea. No Risca and Abie because we weren't in good friends at that time) and my siblings (just brother iYo n my sister Mudita). My parents were gone to met their business colleagues. On October 19th 2008, it should be a happy day for me, but unfortunately I had a test for enrolling in Binus University in the morning. I had draw test and.......I forgot what else. There should be 2 tests on that day, but I forgot the other one. After that, I had a dinner (almost dinner) with Shella, Melvina and Ignathea in Pan n Cook. just the 4 of us. Then, I went home. At home, I just have a little birthday party, even tiny. because I just had a small cake that I bought in Holland bakery with 1 candle. I sang "Happy Birthday" with iYo n Mudita only and clapped our hand. It was so quiet TT

I had General Math in the morning. and I just got instinct that I would get a surprise on that day. but I didn't care because it just my instinct. haha=]

on Lunch time, I just realized that there weren't Michelle, Marcell, Oliv. they usually had their lunch in canteen. but I didn't saw them. I didn't care about it because they could have luncy wherever they want to, haha=] I've got Deb's English and Communication's Skills for my second subject. before the class started, I checked my FB again and there were more a lot of greetings. fiuh! and I was happy there were also greetings from Shella, Risca, Melvina and Abie. thanks, guys! realy missed and wanted to see u all. hopefully we could hang out together next June. and my mom's status was changed. She wished me happy birthday on her status. I was really happy. OMG! haha=]

After that I just shocked that Deb came in with a cake on her hands and she shouted "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!". At that time, I just wandered if there somebody else in class who also had birthday on October 19th. however, it was only me^^ I felt so happy that day. my classmates bought me a bigger birthday cake than last year. and there were 3 candles. not only 1. haha XD.

Despite my happiness on my birthday, I made iYo mad at me. because I didn't hang up his phone and just checked my FB. until he commented me in FB to picked up the phone. When I checked my cellphone, there were 12 miscalls from him. OMG ! I really felt sorry at that time. he phoned me if we could have dinner together outside. but I ruined it (TT) sorry, bro.

that's me and the surprise cake :)

These were FD5 crews.
From left to right:
on the backside:
Vanessa, Jess, Ine, Huan, Nui, Vivian, Jeff, Bi, Kevin, Max, Millie and Fikrie.

The same line with me were Olivia, Marcell and Michelle (the one that I have talked about)

The last 3 boys were Benny, Danny and Myron.

Thank you, FD5 :)

may all the creatures be healthy and wealthy

take care..

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Jalan2 sebelum Melb CUP

hari ini akhirnya sempetin waktu juga buat nulis blog. kmrn sbnernya udh mau nulis blog thu. udh nulis judul tapi musti slsein assignments dlu. akhirnya liat jem udh mlem bgt and saatnya untuk tidur ^^

Nah...hari ini saya ke National Art Gallery of Victoria karena tuntutan tugas context and culture. sebenernya kemaren pas excursions 3 minggu lalu, gue udh pilih lukisan apa. apesnya, gurunya thu minta source dr buku juga. trs gue cari2 dri buku NGV yg gue temukan di perpus kampus, cuman gak ada lukisan yg gue pilih. akhirnya gue memutuskan untuk memilih lukisan lain. and I was stacked by the short brief of the picture. Jadi, hari ini gue memutuskan untuk ke NGV lagi buat dapetin short brief ttg lukisan yg gue pilih itu. gue ajaklah temen gue yg namanya Huan, she is a Vietnamese and really nice. this is the picture of me and Huan..

Left to right : Huan and Me ^^

di NGV, qta keliling2 lagi. sbenernya udh liat2 pas excursions, cm skrg qta liat bagian photographynya. yg ada gue ga ngerti sama skli maksudnya apa thu foto =.= udh gtu ke bagian Asian collections, gue ngeliat patung dewi seribu tangan. bingung gue gimana caranya bkin thu tangannya. ada 1000. banyak banget >< syang skli gue ga foto T_T.. Abis keliling2 d dlm NGV, gue rncna mau ke Melbourne Central, katanya ada botol minum lagi diskon. trnyta thu gak ada tram yg jln ke city krn ada parade buat Melbourne Cup besok. ini nih fotonya yg gue ambil pas gue jln dari NGV ke Melbourne central.

tinggi sekali mereka : )

habis tidak menemukan botol minum, gue ngajakkin Huan untuk makan Vietnamese food. sbnernya qta udh rncnain utk mkan Vietnamese food di Footscray cm gak yakin2 gtu. Dan akhirnya, jadi juga hari ini gue sma dia ke footscray untuk cobain makan mkanan Vietnamese. sorry yah buat Ine and Icha, next time I'll ask both of u to try Vietnamese food in Footscray :)
di Footscray, Huan suggest-in gue untuk coba Bun Ba Hue (kalau gak salah namanya). itu tuh mie and ada daging beefnya. kayak ramen gtulah cm kuahnya thu sdkit pedes cuma enak banget^^ bolehlah..I like it. and it's only cost $8.

trus buat anak2 Indo yg di Melbourne, kalau udh tahu yawda sih gpp, gue cm mau kasih tahu kalau mau beli obat or someone minta nitip obat, mendingan beli di Footscray. murah, dhe : )
contohnya, tadi gue beli Metsal cream yg 125g d Pharmacy yg d footscray itu cuma $8.95. di Flinders street $13-an. lumayan kan kalau mau hemat2? hehe=]

Nah 1 lagi, mungkin smua org udh tahu, cuma pengen kasih tahu lagi aja. baca nguping jakarta dhe. lucu banget^^ ini linknya
dijamin smua ank indo yg baca bisa ngakak :)

take care yah smuanya ^^
thanks buat Melvina Vanessa yg membuat gue jadi suka menggunakan kata "Take Care"