Sunday, September 26, 2010

Rest in Peace, Sapi

Hi, all..

Today is the saddest day for me. I had a dog in my hometown. His name is sapi. Sapi in Indonesia means cow. I named it for him because he has many black dots like a cow, but he is not like a dalmatian. And, he is gone forever today. I just knew it from twitter. My sister mentioned me and said Sapi is gone forever. I was totally sad and had a little cried for him.

I was there and very excited when Sapi was born. And I was the first one who named him. He is the happiest dog that I have ever knew. Even he had a problem with his two back legs which he can't be like other normal dogs. He just happy and play with his only friend, Whisky (my other dog). Sometimes, he was really annoying to me with his barking. but I just love him. I love him so much. Today, when I read the news from twitter, I felt like kinda broke up with my boyfriend, even it worse. I lost something. It's really true that we wouldn't know how much we loved something or someone until we lost it/him/her.

My brother in Melbourne who is living with me now, posted on his Facebook,

RIP "Sapi".. Dont worry bout the pain.. U can sleep tight now.. We'll miss u.. T_T

My sister also posted on her FB,

he smiled at me before his death, rest in peace my lovely dog ,thanks for the joys we have shared :')

My mom commented my brother's post and told us that before Sapi's death, he shook his tail every time and looked to my mom and my sis. And, he barked as he called everybody to come around him so he could say goodbye. After I read my mother's comments, I cried while I typing this new post. 

Sapi, I'm so sorry if I couldn't make u happy while u lived in this world. Hope you rest in peace and thank you for coming to my life and the joys we shared.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

My new Design blog

Hi, there..

I just realised that I visited Office Work 4 times a row in a week. wew! It was because of my design project that told us to do with PHOTOCOPY machine.

Well....I just made a new blog. This blog called 72weeks because I want to record all of my design journey while I'm in Uni. I will go to uni for 3 years and have 12 weeks each semester. I will have 6 semesters and 12 times 6 equals to 72weeks. Yeah! I will spend 72 weeks in Uni if it goes smoothly.

I hope I would have a time to post them all. hopefully. God, give me your strength and your help. Thank you :)

Hmm....and it's 1:27 pm in the morning right now in Melbourne. I think I will just go straight to bed because I have a date with my projects tomorrow, haha..

See ya. Take Care.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

My Parent's 28th Wedding Anniversary

Actually, I was in the middle doing my assignment, but I just want to publish new post :) It seem I'm having fun with BLOG now.

Okay, today is my parent's 28th Wedding Anniversary. It's not special as 50th Wedding Anniversary, but I just amazed with their relationship. They just met for the first time and then, married until now. It's just amazing :) I was so envy with them. I think I'll be waiting till my one come.

My parents married on September 19, 1982. Number 19 is really precious for our family because my second older brother was born on September 1 and my first older brother was born on September 9. If we combine both of the date, the answer is number 19. My youngest sister was born on July, 12. If we added 12 with 7 (July), the answer is number 19 again. Lastly, I was born on October 19. Indeed, that's why number 19 is my favourite number :) That's short history behind of number 19.

I just remembered 3 years ago, it was my parent's silver wedding anniversary. Me and my siblings plus their girlfriends planned a surprise for them a month before (really a month before). We each took a part. My brothers went around to our uncles and aunties and my grandma to record greetings videos. I made a letter 'Silver Wedding Anniversary' and my youngest sister drew a story about my parents from their first meet until they have 4 of us. I think I still had the photos, but i left them

Well, I just wanna to say that Happy 28th Wedding Anniversary, mom, dad :) Both of you are awesome. I love you both and I hope my relationship will be like you someday^^ long lasting.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

KAFEART 17.09.10

Hii, semuanya...

It's been a long time I haven't tell my story after I finished my FOUNDATION studies in Swinburne. WEll....I'm uni student now. jadi baru berasa anak kuliahan..hahaXD

oke, gue ga nyangka hari ini bakalan menjadi hari terSPECIAL buat gue. Hari ini ada acara KAFEART yg diadain sama PPIA (Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia Australia) RMIT. acaranya ada Fashion show, Art exhibition, Photography contest n Band competition. diHOST sma VJ DANIEL MANANTA. akhirnya gue bisa liat dia MC di depan mata gue, ga cuma pas Indonesian Idol doank di tipi, hehe. Ganteng abis. trus dia pesen ke kita2 "kalau sekolah ke Australi, jangan bergaul sama anak Indo aja. That's the biggest mistake ever!' katanya. soalnya dia crta dia punya temen, katakanlah Joni, Joni udh 8thn di Ausi, trus diajak bonyoknya ke Amrik. begitu Joni n bonyoknya dinner, bonyoknya suruh Joni bayar. dan Joni bilang,'Waiter, can I have BON please?' HAHAHA XD bonyoknya: Itu harusnya BILL kali. kalau gitu mami papi juga tahu!'. ampun dhe, gue bisa malu abis kalau di situ >,<

Trus, ada Guest starnya yaitu TOMPI. jadi keinget temen gue Melvina Vanessa yg ngeFans sama Tompi. Actually, gue ga pernah ngeFans sma TOMPI. nyanyiin lagunya pas dia lagi manggung aja juga gara2 terbawa suasana, hehe. Tapi, gue suka banget sama lagunya TOMPI yg judulnya Sedari Dulu sma Tak Pernahh Setengah Hati. Sedari dulu thu musiknya enak banget, klo Tak Pernah Setengah Hati, gue suka banget sma MVnya. so sweet.

Tompi :)

Tompi and Vj Daniel

Dan guest starnya ada 1 lagi which is KAHITNA. my favourite since I was Junior High School. Sejarahnya gue suka banget sama KAHITNA itu gara2 CD lagu koko gue. gue klo nyetel lagu thu ga peduli sama singernya, tapi begitu denger lagu yg liriknya romantis and so sweet banget, gue jadi penasaran sama sapa yang nyanyi. dan ternyata itu KAHITNA. Nah, di situ gue cuma tahu kalau KAHITNA sweeeetttttt banget, tapi ga pernah tahu personil lengkapnya kecuali Yovie, musisi yg menurut gue TOP abis. Musik2nya thu enak didenger bangetngetnget. 

Yovie On stage

Dan karena ada KAHITNAlha gue jadinya thu dateng ke KAFEART. tadinya udah 50/50 gitu mau dateng apa nggak soalnya kalau pulang malem kan serem juga (ternyata Melbourne masih rame jem11 mlm) dan saya akhirnya datang bersama teman2 saya! dan bertemu teman yg tak terduga juga.

Begitu KAHITNA manggung, gue seneng banget dengerin lagu2nya :) dan ga membuat gue pengen duduk. maunya berdiri di depan panggung ngeliat mereka nyanyi.
favorite gue:
Andai dia Tahu
Cerita Cinta
etc yg gue ga tahu judulnya
dan mereka nyanyiin semuanya..OMG!! so sweett.
apalagi single terbarunya yg judulnya 'Mantan Terindah' bener2 ngingetin gue sama seseorang, hehe.

Oia, gue sebenernya thu klo dengerin lagu2nya KAHITNA, gue gx tw judulnya, tpi kalau udah dengerin REFFnya, OOOoooohhhhh.....................*nada baru menyadari.

Pas KAHITNA manggung, gue didadahin sama salah satu personilnya and pas akhir reff lagu CANTIK, yg pas 'SUNGGUH AKU SAYANG KAMU' dia nunjuk ke arah gue. WOW! gak nyangka banget bakalan dapet Surprise from God. Thanks God for your sweet present :)
pas di sana sih gue seneng banget, tapi sekarang gue malah mikir beneran gak sih personilnya nunjuk ke arah gue? jangan2 belakang gue. hahaXD
Dan setelah menGOOGLE, gue baru tahu dia namanya Mario Ginanjar, hahaXD *fans apa bukan sih?!

Pulang2, dengan Norak dan Pamernya, gue upload video Cantik by Kahitna n foto2 Tompi n Vj Daniel di Facebook and tag2in temen2 gue yg di Indo plus koko dede gue. beneran ini sih GUE NORAK BANGET. yah abis jarang sih. apalagi KAHITNA favourite gue, hehe.

Lastly, this is for you all. Cantik by Kahitna :) enjoy.